The Book
In short: How did we become such nincompoops? And when will we stop? Nincompoopery offers leaders the answers they need—and the profits they crave—with a scoop of humor on the side.
Nincompoopery—terrible customer service, idiotic business processes, and soul-crushing management practices—surrounds all of us. We lose time, patience, and profits as stuck-in-the-past organizations actively prevent us (and our customers) from getting the value we (and they) deserve. Read more…

“Nincompoopery was penned by the funniest business writer I know—and has completely changed the way I look at leadership, strategy, and the frustrations I encounter working in and covering the business world.”
—TRAVIS HESSMAN, Editor-in-Chief and Senior Content Director, IndustryWeek
“In elegant prose supported by practical examples and case studies, readers learn how to elevate employee morale, inspiration, and performance at companies large and small. Nincompoopery will help you to become a wiser, humbler, and more con dent leader.”
—DR. LANCE SECRETAN, bestselling author of The Bellwether Effect: Stop Following.Start Inspiring! and Reclaiming Higher Ground: Creating Organizations That Inspire the Soul
“Nincompoopery is a must read to understand where you are today and—more importantly—where you want to be tomorrow.”
—PHI L MCINTYRE, Managing Director, Performance Solutions by Milliken